Acupressure Initial Visit

Image for Acupressure Initial Visit


Acupressure is Acupuncture without the needles. The same Acupoints are used as in Acupuncture, but are stimulated with finger pressure instead of the insertion of needles. Specifically formulated essential oil blends can be added to the Acupoints, called Aroma Acupoint Therapy, resulting in a more significant clinical effect than using pressure alone. Acupuncture is a complete system of medicine used to keep the body in balance. Thus, it is used for prevention as well as treatment of illness. All forms of illness are treated with Acupuncture including acute conditions such as colds and flu, as well as chronic conditions such as acid reflux, headaches, and arthritis. This 90 minute session includes review of comprehensive health intake form and treatment. For new patients and existing patients who have not received Acupressure at the clinic.
